Thursday, September 11, 2008

More college

"If any man wish to write in a clear style, let him be first clear in his thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
So Monday night Joe, one of Allyx's friends, came over and we hung out, the three of us I mean. We had a blast, I don't remember what we were laughing at but we were laughing hard!
Anyway Tuesday I went to class, obviously because that's why I'm here right? I woke up around 8:30 and by 10 I couldn't stand being in my apartment, only because I was the only one here and there was nothing to do. So I scoped out the building with my next class and sat in the sun while doing Sodoku. Nerdy I know but it helped with the hour that had to go by.
So I get to my humanities class expecting there to be at least some people there right? Since it's like 11:25. Wrong there was only one other person. We started talking then a few others showed up then our teacher. WEll apparently those that showed up are all that in my class. There's about 9 of us. I'm real excited because we'll be reading Paradise Lost and Zen's motorcycle guide or something like that. All I know is that Rutter used to rave about those books and now I'm going to be reading em!!!
My first devotional was cool too. I sat with my roomies and accidently put one of them to sleep. Oops :}.
Then I had to bolt to english. That class is okay I guess. We're going to have tons of reading of course but oh well.
That night I just did homework and laughed at somethings my roomies did.
Then yesterday I went to Math, Religion and woods. All being 15 minutes apart. That was crazy because they are all across campus from each other.
Fun weird fact about math, I sat next to Josh Barton's aunt. Can you say awkward?
Religion was fun I guess, so far it's just talking about the class.
Woods was really boring until we got into the shop and cut a 19inch board. There are some cute guys in that class but they are all 23 or older. Not that I'm looking.
I really like having Allyx as a roommate because we stay up talking. Like ti's nothing huge or anything but we just talk. I like it.
Oh something fun about my dorm. In 129 there is Allie, I think I talked about her in my last post, anyway. Everytime I go past her apartment and she's in the kitchen I hear a "Hey!" so I stop and talk to her. It's pretty funny and fun.
Oh so Kristen made cupcakes last night and I snuck one to Allie because we had been IMing. Well not really snuck because I told my roomies because they were standing right there when I did it. Ha ha. The story is funnier because it was at like 1140 at night.
Well I got to get to class now. Laterz!

1 comment:

Balgram said...

Hee hee hee! Let me know how that woods class goes, we'll build something when you get back!

I'm glad you like your roommates so much. Sounds like you'll be jus' fine.

And you have entire mornings to do homework. Talk about lucky!