Yesterday I had a really good birthday. I woke up early and talked to my mom for a while. I dinked around on the computer for a while then got ready for the day.
At 11 Mom, Da, and I went to Los Harmonos for lunch. We were the first ones there and I'm pretty sure the only ones there for half an hour. It was great though.
Then at noon I took Holly's graduation present to her. When I gave it to her I believe the quote was "What's this? You can't be given me presents on your birthday" We then talked for a bit and then I headed home for a quickly thrown together birthday party with the friends.
See it was hobbled together because the family party that was planned for last night was cancelled due to the swine flu breakout in the MTC. How this is related? You may ask, "the answer is simple" I might reply. My brother works at the MTC as a programer and didn't want to take the chance that my dad might get it.
So the wednesday night I texted a few people and asked if they could come. The people that did come were Em, Hols, Will, PJ, and LJ.
It was a lot of fun. We went up the canyon to Bridal Veil Falls and played for a couple of hours. We kicked a soccer ball, threw a frisbee and football around, at the same time mind you, before Pj had to leave. The rest of us then proceeded up to the little pool of water at the base of the mountain. Will and LJ went up the rocks and river coming down the mountain to the base of the falls. Us girls stayed at the pool thinking the boys would be back soon. We were wrong however, because I got a phone call from Will, who know phones worked in the canyon, and asked if we were going to come up. It was kinda funny because at that moment we were heading to the trail that led up there, after a few minutes debate about whether we should leave the boys stranded in the mountains.
I told Will that we would be there soon by going up the trail, which he apparently didn't know existed. When we reached the base of the falls we took lots of pictures, then went back to my place for some treats before everyone went home. In the meantime we had come up with nicknames for the boys. PJ is Scooter because he has gotten one, to everyone's shock. LJ is SpiderMan because... well you'll see the picture and Will is Marine because he is going into the Marines.
I then ate dinner and went into the back room to relax before 6:47. This is the first year I actually knew what time I was born at so mom wanted to make it special by eating my cake then. When it was time mom called me into the kitchen and what a surprise I got! My whole family was sitting there! Apparently they had all come when i was sitting in the back, and they were all feeling well enough to come!
It was a wonderful day all in all and I'm glad I have the family I do!
Scooter trying to stop Marine from getting the football
Me, Hols, and Em
Scooter charging me and Spiderman looking confused
Bridal Veil Falls
Spiderman, Em, Hols, and Marine with Bridal Veil in the backround
Spiderman, Hols, Me, and Marine with Bridal Veil in the backround.
A shelf protected from the falls with beautiful flowers on it.
A tree trunk stuck on some rocks with water flowing over it. (at the base of the falls)
Spiderman, me and Marine
Spiderman, Em, Marine, and Hols on the gate between the parking lot and the start of the trail
Spiderman, Em, Marine, and me on the gate between the parking lot and the start of the trail
How LJ got the nickname Spiderman
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