Friday, March 04, 2011


"Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up." Inigo Montoya

I put Georgia Boy through a lot, and I mean a lot. From the very beginning he has had his work cut out for him.
While we made an instant connection from the start his patience was tested until I was in the realm of singles again. And even then I was standoffish to him in some ways. Physical contact in any way shape or form was one of them. Yes, I wouldn't even give him a hug, I was that weird about it. I had at this point decided that the two of us were only going to be really good friends. Yeah, that lasted about a month, less than that actually, but it took a while to act on it. Not only that but I knew he was leaving for five months.
But he came back early. And we continue to date.
He was, and still is, frustrated with the fact that somehow I can always get him talking, and talking, and talking. What can I say? It's how I was with people in high school, it seems to work up here too. They talk, not me. People are more comfortable that way. Plus most of the people out there need someone they can unload on, not even unload but talk to. That's me. But it is a point that he finds very frustrating. He tries to steer the conversation back towards me , but I somehow get it back to him. I do it so naturally now I don't even notice I do it.
Lately I have been going to my dear Georgia Boy in tears, a lot. I think at least once a week I have gone to him this way. It also seems that the beginning of the month is a bad time too. January was when I was feeling totally overwhelmed by being called as Relief Society president, so much so that I cried at almost every Sunday for a month, and some weekdays. February was when the drama with the apartment happened. And this week, I'm not really sure what set it off but the tears flowed on Thursday. And last night was because I was once again frustrated between the lack of respect between roommates (Yes, I am quite aware that this is ridiculous to cry at, but I am sick of double standards. Plus I was about to punch their friend, so I cried instead... try figure that one out). He just smiles when I try to stutter out an apology for crying, usually saying something to the effect of that's why he's there:To be a human tissue and teddy bear.
He also has a hard time getting me to decide anything. I blame being the youngest for this fact. I usually go with what others want because, well, it's easier for everyone that way.
Also it took almost a month for me to say the L word back to him. Oh yeah....that's probably a story all ya'll would like to hear huh? And the date where we drifted through some shops....I need to post those stories........
There are more things that I have put him through, some I know, and mostly likely more I that I don't know about, but he has stuck around and is pretty determined to stay around. So this is my way of saying thank you to him.

Well gotta blaze!

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