Thursday, July 20, 2006

*Sniff, sniff*

Okay, so I've been cleaning my room hoping to get rid of a lot of stuff, yeah right.
Anyway I found my yearbook from this past year, not only had I been looking for it so I could verify something, but I got an added bonus when I opened it. The addresses and contact information from EFY that I've been looking for. I really wanted to write my counslors, but couldn't cause I didn't have their addresses. Now I do yea!!!!!
Looking at the addresses made me think of EFY though, I really want to go back. My family and friends are tired of my saying this cause I do almost every day, or atleast I do in my head.
Looking at my yearbook made me think of the seniors who left this year and how I probly won't see them again. Exept for Jeff who randomly drove by one day and gave me a ride, but that was once sooo.
I miss the seniors. I really want to go back in time but I can't so. Whatever. Don't ya just hate that.
Have the best day ever!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

New Stuff

So the other day I get a gift certificut to this new store in town so I go and get a few things. Kingdom Hearts 2 being among them.
It's ok. The levels are to short in my opinion and there are waaaay to many cut scenes but what ever makes the guys with the money happy. I do like the game play and the worlds they have added though. It's interesting when you have "forms" you get to play with.

I also got a cd by Jenny Phillips, The Mirical. I've been wanting it for a while ever since I sang at one of her concerts and heard the album. I have to thank young women leader for letting me sing at that concert. Though I'm afraid I'll never see her again because she got released today and I think she'll start going to the ward she moved into a few months back. I really hope she stays in ours though.

I apologize(how ever in Dadga's name you spell that) to the friend mentioned in the previous post, I was mad and I overegsagerated. Please note that somethings wern't exactly true. Mostly it was though.

I miss EFY ever so much right now and I really want to go back... truely I've never felt more wanted than I did there.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


So this past saturday was a stake dance. It was pretty fun cause I got to see a friend that I haven't seen for a while.
It wasn't so great because of two reasons, 1) The guy I like wasn't there, 2) My other friend has resantly become obsessed with Firefly, which normally isn't bad but when she becomes obsessed nothing else matters, no exists in her world, exept for that one thing. So the whole time she was at the dance she was asking me the same questions over and over again.
"Can we go watch Firefly now?" "No."
"Can I borrow Firefly when we go back to your house?" "No."
"I'm bored, can we go watch Firefly now?" "No! It's a dance and I intend to dance!"
"Can I atleast borrow the disks I've already seen?" "No!!!"
My mother has barred me from letting this friend anything that can get damaged, because she tends to loose things for several weeks, give it back, and then I learn that it is no longer usable because she has scratched the heck out of it somehow.
"If your mom wasn't a facter would you let me borrow the box set, and then I give it back to you on Monday?" "No."
"If I gave it back to you tomorrow would you let me borrow it?" "Not if it's going to end up like Aida."
Backround: I got the Aida cd and let her borrow it, she said she would give it back to me the next day unscratched. Ha fat chance. She lost it for over a month and then when I got it back most of the songs were so scratched I can't listen to it anymore.
Anyway her dad showed up a few seconds later and she left. Thankfully and now I know she's mad at me cause it's been over three days that she hasn't texted me, e-mailed or called. Woot! No more pesting about Firefly!!!