So it was recently my birthday, and I set up my own casino for a night.
My sister had done it a few years ago for a close friend and I really loved the idea, so I pretty much copied it. Only without Klah there the party didn't have awesome drinks non stop.
As my family was moving we cleared out the front room totally and decorated like this:
It was pretty much awesome. We had a blackjack, poker, roulette, and greed table. We also had a lot of IBC drinks, and wonderful Mal brought yummy drink mixes with soda to add to them. (Why yes I don't drink could you tell?)
I had a lot of fun setting up and entertaining guests. Wonderful Georgia Boy was a great dealer and taught everyone greed which was a great hit.
It was pretty much the bestest birthday ever.
Oh and for words of birthday wisdom...well I'll let the professionals do that.
Movie Wisdom
heh...that was a good time. :)
It was! Thanks for making it such!
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