Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's because of stupid people

"It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top." -Henry Ward Beecher

Don't die of shock, two posts in one day I know.

So I was walking home today. I was standing at the point I usually cross the road at, it's called a crosswalk for that reason, waiting for a break in the cars so I could cross safely. When there was I proceeded to cross and this guy barrels passed, hitting my shoulder in the process. When we get to the other side he says to me, "You know you have the right away, right?" Excuse me? Duh I know. I wasn't raised ignorant. I also know that if I step out into the road with a bunch of cars coming at me I'll get hit. And just because you have the right doesn't mean you should use it. I have the right to b*** slap you for touching me and I have the right to claim self defense for it too. Doesn't mean I will.
All of this ran through my head, my response? "Yeah."

I will restate the reason for this post. JUST because you have the "right" doesn't mean you should use it.


Define Benjamin & Heather said...

hahah! that is so true!

The Writer said...

"Here lies Jerky McVeigh,
Who died maintaining his right-of-way.
He was right, dead right, as he sped along,
But he's just as dead as if he were wrong."

Kanani said...

Dear The Writer,
You really just made my day.
Thank you.